Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Gettin' there...

I meant to get another posting on here much sooner, but been busy with the daily grind. However, the good news is that I have just completed my development casting for the new project and I will most likely make the final molds this Friday and produce some new castings by Saturday.

I also decided to throw on a few coats of paint to preview how this little fella might look when he is completed.I was going for a classic cheeky look, but I didn't want him to look like your classic nosey, I was attempting to achieve a bit of a different look. As a result, I have posted some pics of him for your viewing pleasure.

Anyway, once I produce some fresh castings, off to work I will go. I plan to give this character dark brown glass eyes (self-centering), slot jaw mouth, and leather blinkers (2 controls). This will be my first time out with installing leather blinkers and I will use the Marshall method for installing the blinker mechanics, courtesy of Mr. Al Steven's suggestions.

So far so good. I am pretty happy with my progress so far. And now, the journey continues...